Pain relief

CBD can help you manage your pain via your brain's pain receptors. Because of its relationship with inflammation and acting as an anti inflammatory, it also helps with pain that way. Other preclinical studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Health are also looking at the role of cannabis in relieving symptoms caused by:

  • Arthritis

  • Chronic Pain

  • MS Pain

  • Muscle Pain

  • Spinal Cord Injuries

CBD inhibits glutamate release and other inflammatory agents, which makes it neuroprotective and effective at dulling the prickling, tingling and burning sensations that neuropathic pain is known for. CBD for pain relief can be used as a dietary supplement to help manage neuropathic pain, alongside other natural supplements such as magnesium glycinate.

One of the most common reasons why people seek out CBD is they're seeking CBD for pain relief. Every fifth person in the US is suffering from chronic pain, and surviving this condition without pain killers can be tough. And continuing with Opioids can be a very very dangerous slope to slide down. Chronic pain doesn’t just affect you physically, but it can affect your social and work life as well.

CBD is known to provide pain relief, and a solid CBD dosage can go a long way. People who experience joint pains due to arthritis can also try the Hero Brands CBD DMSO Roll On as it is known to be effective against that condition as well. So, if you have been suffering from any sort of pain and want to relax your body, you can consider using Full Spectrum CBD oil.

Hero Brands DMSO Roll On

CBD for Sleep:

In a recent nationally representative Consumer Reports survey, about 10 percent of Americans who reported trying CBD said they used it to help them sleep, and a majority of those people said it worked. 

People are turning to CBD for sleep and there is a clear reason why: Almost 80 percent of Americans say they have trouble sleeping at least once a week, according to another recent nationally representative CR survey of 1,267 U.S. adults. And many existing treatments, particularly prescription and over-the-counter drugs, are often not very effective—and are risky, too.

If you have trouble sleeping or are suffering from insomnia, then CBD can help you with that as well. Just like anxiety, sleep disorders are also becoming more common. When you have trouble sleeping, you are not able to get the rest you need. And it does not only ruin your night, but it ruins your entire day as well.

When you are sleep deprived, you wouldn’t be able to function properly at work, and your productivity will drop significantly. Taking a few drops of CBD oil raw or in a drink can help you sleep better at night.


 CBD oil beginners guide