But really, what is CBD good for?
CBD oil is extracted from the hemp plant and it has a large number of therapeutic benefits for the mind and body. Marijuana and other medical cannabis products contain tons of THC, CBD oil only contains trace amounts of THC.
It can't have more than 0.3%, meaning it will not have a psychoactive effect on its user. That 0.3% is the rule of thumb nationwide. What is CBD good for? Below we explain.
CBD and Anxiety Relief
Does CBD help anxiety? CBD may be a solution to help you manage your anxiety and stress. CBD can change the way your brain receptors respond to serotonin, which is the chemical linked to depression and anxiety. Receptors are tiny proteins attached to your cells that receive chemical messages and help your cells respond to different stimuli.
One study found that a 600mg dose helped CBD and anxiety people with socializing and public speech. Other early studies done with animals have shown that CBD may help relieve anxiety by:
- reducing stress
- decreasing physiological effects of anxiety, such as an increased heart rate
- improving symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- inducing sleep in cases of insomnia
CBD helps with both physical pain and mental pain. Anxiety is a condition that used to be misunderstood and shunned, but is becoming more and more common among people. If you're one of the many who have experienced it, you must know how exhausting it can be on not only your life but the lives of the people closest to you.
There are different forms of anxiety that people experience. Some people get anxious in social settings when having to interact with others, while some people suffer from anxiety because of trauma they've experienced in the past.
Our society is wired nowadays to stress about the future, and to compare themselves too often, stirring up anxiety. CBD oil is known to have a calming effect on people, helping diminish the effects of anxiety and allowing people to live healthier lives.

CBD is FDA approved for use in two severe forms of childhood epilepsy, Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which do not respond well to other medications.
Researchers are testing how much CBD is able to reduce the number of seizures in people with epilepsy, as well as how safe it is. The American Epilepsy Society states that cannabidiol research offers hope for seizure disorders, and that research is currently being conducted to better understand safe use.
Seizures are abnormal surges of electrical activity in the brain which can cause convulsions, thought disturbances, and other physical symptoms. They may be caused by epilepsy, tumors, head injuries, or may be idiopathic, meaning they have no known cause at all. Approximately half of all seizures fall into this last category and occur in children. Seizures can be debilitating and often interfere with the ability to lead a full and happy life.

Several studies have pointed to cannabinoids as substances with a high potential as neuroprotective treatments in ischemic or traumatic brain damage. These neuroprotective effects are thought to rely mainly on the potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD.
Researchers are looking at a receptor located in the brain to learn about the ways that CBD could help people with neurodegenerative disorders, which are diseases that cause the brain and nerves to deteriorate over time. This receptor is known as CB1.
Researchers are studying the use of Full Spectrum CBD oil for treating:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Parkinson’s disease
- Stroke
CBD may regulate the neurological functions of the brain, while also protecting the central nervous system. CBD oil may also reduce the inflammation that can make neurodegenerative symptoms worse.
Achieve Clarity, Not a High
Because CBD is non-psychoactive and cannot make you “high,” it actually has the reverse effect in many people where it counters the effects of THC giving people a better sense of clear-mindedness.
While some people need mental relief, others just need more mental control so that they can focus better on the task at hand. If you find it hard to focus on work, then you can improve your focus by adding CBD Products in your tea or coffee or regime depending on the delivery method. Using CBD will relax your mind more, and you will be able to focus on your work easily.
CBD is not known to have psychoactive or psychotropic effects. It comes from cannabis, but as far as the THC count goes, CBD only carries with it 0.3% or less. Even though THC and CBD share a nearly exact molecular structure, one critical difference gives each compound uniquely different medicinal properties. In fact, CBD capsules, or another form, may moderate THC's effects by alleviating stress and anxiety.
Pain relief
CBD can help you manage your pain via your brain's pain receptors. Because of its relationship with inflammation and acting as an anti inflammatory, it also helps with pain that way. Other preclinical studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Health are also looking at the role of cannabis in relieving symptoms caused by:
Chronic Pain
MS Pain
Muscle Pain
Spinal Cord Injuries
CBD inhibits glutamate release and other inflammatory agents, which makes it neuroprotective and effective at dulling the prickling, tingling and burning sensations that neuropathic pain is known for. CBD for pain relief can be used as a dietary supplement to help manage neuropathic pain, alongside other natural supplements such as magnesium glycinate.
One of the most common reasons why people seek out CBD is they're seeking CBD for pain relief. Every fifth person in the US is suffering from chronic pain, and surviving this condition without pain killers can be tough. And continuing with Opioids can be a very very dangerous slope to slide down. Chronic pain doesn’t just affect you physically, but it can affect your social and work life as well.
CBD is known to provide pain relief, and a solid CBD dosage can go a long way. People who experience joint pains due to arthritis can also try the Hero Brands CBD DMSO Roll On as it is known to be effective against that condition as well. So, if you have been suffering from any sort of pain and want to relax your body, you can consider using Full Spectrum CBD oil.
CBD for Sleep:
In a recent nationally representative Consumer Reports survey, about 10 percent of Americans who reported trying CBD said they used it to help them sleep, and a majority of those people said it worked.
People are turning to CBD for sleep and there is a clear reason why: Almost 80 percent of Americans say they have trouble sleeping at least once a week, according to another recent nationally representative CR survey of 1,267 U.S. adults. And many existing treatments, particularly prescription and over-the-counter drugs, are often not very effective—and are risky, too.
If you have trouble sleeping or are suffering from insomnia, then CBD can help you with that as well. Just like anxiety, sleep disorders are also becoming more common. When you have trouble sleeping, you are not able to get the rest you need. And it does not only ruin your night, but it ruins your entire day as well.
When you are sleep deprived, you wouldn’t be able to function properly at work, and your productivity will drop significantly. Taking a few drops of CBD oil raw or in a drink can help you sleep better at night.