Within the past ten years, cannabis has been thrust into the spotlight.
Since recreational legalization came to fruition for both Colorado and Washington back in 2012, studies and the ensuing information from those studies have spread through the media by wildfire. Today, there are 18 recreational states, 18 medical-only states, and Washington D.C. permits the recreational sale of cannabis as well. With the rush of legalization comes the rush of further testing. We now know that the effects of cannabis rely on more than simply the sativa/indica/hybrid categories that we are accustomed to. Terpenes may in fact play a crucial factor in determining the effects and potential benefits associated with the use of cannabis.
Below, we will go over the terpene known as linalool. The linalool terpene is a unique substance found in a wide variety of very different plants. We will discuss several linalool effects, potential linalool benefits, and answer a key question: is linalool safe to consume regularly?
First, let’s go over a brief overview. Exactly what is linalool? What is linalool terpene currently used for? Where is it commonly found? We will go over each of these questions in order to provide a background to this exceptional terpene.
The Linalool Terpene
So what is linalool exactly? Linalool is a naturally occurring substance commonly found in a wide variety of plants, flowers, and spices. It is noted for its very distinct and complex scent and flavor. The herbal fragrance commonly associated with lavender, for example, can be attributed largely to linalool. In addition to lavender, linalool is commonly found within coriander, birch trees, citrus, and bergamot. In fact, linalool is fairly common within nature, having been found in substantial amounts in over 200 plants, from all over the world. Linalool was first studied and successfully synthesized in 1919, and is currently used for a wide range of purposes. It is estimated that linalool is utilized in around 70% of perfumes, soaps, detergents, shampoos, lotions, and other hygiene products. When factoring in the form of lavender, linalool is used commonly within aromatherapy and as a natural sleep aid.
But is linalool safe to consume?
Yes! In fact, It has even been used as a food additive, providing dishes with its distinct spicy, herbal flavor and fragrance.
Now that we have done a brief overview on the background of the linalool terpene and the many current uses of this terpene, let’s go further in depth to discuss some of the common linalool effects, as well as the potential linalool benefits that many have stated they’ve experienced firsthand.
Linalool Effects & Benefits
There are numerous effects and benefits commonly associated with the linalool terpene, and, while further study may be necessary, the linalool terpene has been used for many years for several of its believed health benefits. Here we will discuss several of the most commonly reported effects and benefits of linalool:
Relaxing effect: Remember how linalool is commonly found within lavender and is heavily responsible for its scent? Well, it appears that linalool may also be a large explanation for several of lavenders believed relaxing and calming effects as well! Lavender has been used for over 2,500 years for both medicinal use as well as cleaning purposes. Aromatherapy supporters have utilized lavender for it’s mild sedative-like effects, and lavender is currently used in many lotions, salves, and bath salts for this very reason! This can prove to be highly beneficial for many who suffer from anxiety, and many more who simply want to relax after a long day at the office. This relaxing, calming effect is not only for the mind, either! It is believed that lavender has a natural ability to help soothe minor pain and inflammation as well! Yes! The linalool terpene has shown great promise in relaxing your mind and body at the same time. While there are tons of linalool and lavender based products on the market currently aimed at calming aching bodies and relaxing anxious minds, more research and study must be done on linalool before we can claim it to be the new, healthier, dependence-free alternative to Xanax and muscle relaxers, it does appear that many individuals are already utilizing the linalool terpene in order to do just that!
Stress relief: This differs from the relaxing effect in the sense that linalool may be able to be used more than simply as an oil to put in your diffuser or a lotion to run on aching muscles. It is believed by many that linalool can be used during the day as a simple means to help alleviate some of the daily stresses that we experience. By ingesting linalool or keeping a candle or diffuser with linalool oil on your desk, you may find that your stress is partially alleviated to at least a manageable level. This can be profoundly helpful for those who work in a high stress job or industry, or simply for those who may have a lot on their plate and do not want to resort to using such substances as Xanax or other dangerous prescription pills. Put down the cigarette, and pick up a bottle of linalool oil. You may find that this allows you to manage your stress in a healthier, all-natural method.
Antifungal properties: Linalool has been found in multiple studies to disrupt the membrane and growth of multiple forms of fungi. This natural antifungal property possessed by the linalool terpene has massive implications when considering the place of linalool within potential antifungal medications. Fungal-based illnesses and infections generally target our skin, hair, and nails, and, while generally minor, can lead to serious complications including further infections. If linalool has the ability to prevent these further complications by nipping the problematic fungi in the bud, this could lead to a happier, healthier, and potentially longer life. In addition to this, many current antifungal medications have been known to lead to side effects, especially for those who have previous heart or liver issues. Linalool is safe to use and does not appear to have any effects on the heart or liver, meaning that an entirely new demographic of patients would be able to gain the antifungal benefits of linalool without having to worry about side effects or complications.
Mild sedative-like effects: Linalool has also shown great promise in its use as a mild sedative. As previously mentioned, lavender is commonly used for this very purpose. In fact, lavender pills are often marketed for those who have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, but do not want to resort to using dangerous, synthetic sleeping pills as the means to sleep. This mixture of mental relaxation with the muscle relaxation properties of linalool and the stress relief that may be gained from using linalool can be highly beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia or other similar disorders. Linalool may be able to relax and calm an individual well enough for them to get healthy, regular, all-natural sleep. Anxiety and physical pain are both two main factors why millions of Americans suffer from various sleeping disorders. By being able to assist with the alleviation of both anxiety and physical pain, the linalool terpene may very well be what we need in order to get some rest without having to worry about the potential for dependence.
Anticonvulsant: Perhaps one of the most important potential benefits associated with the linalool terpene would be the effects that it may have on spasms and seizures. It is believed that in some cases, the scent of linalool alone has the ability to assist with such debilitating disorders as epilepsy. This is huge of course for those who suffer from epileptic seizures or involuntary muscle spasms, as many of the current medications commonly prescribed for seizures can come with a litany of awful side effects. Linalool, however, is only known to cause side effects for those who find that they are allergic to this terpene. And even then, most of the side effects associated with an allergy to the linalool terpene are minor. Could we perhaps see a day in which this all natural substance is used to manage epilepsy instead of costly prescription medications? Time will tell. We still need further research on this specific use of linalool before we can tear up those prescriptions, but the future does look bright for this terpene.
Linalool is one of the most common terpenes in America. It is found in some form in nearly every household in America. Look under your sink, in your medicine cabinet, in your food. Chances are, you yourself may very well currently own a product that has this terpene in it. We’ve used it for thousands of years, but have we only recently begun to crack the surface of this terpenes potential? Until further study is done on this terpene, we won’t know for certain just how effective it can be at alleviating so many common ailments that we as a society have to rely on prescription pills for.
Many of its supporters, however, are buying their lavender oils, and waiting for the research to be done.