What is Delta 8?
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the psychoactive compound in cannabis, in which many people know commonly as THC, or Delta 9. Delta 8 tetrahydrocannabinol, or Delta 8, is a similar compound to Delta 9, however it is much less potent and mildly psychoactive. Delta 8 is the fourth most researched cannabinoid on the planet and people have been experimenting with Delta 8 for pain. For many people, the feeling from Delta 9 can be overwhelming, and cause anxiety and paranoia so they're seeking alternatives. The compounds both affect our bodies by attaching to the receptors in our endocannabinoid systems. The difference between the two THC’s is in how they bond to the receptors. Both have a double bond within their structure, but Delta 9 is on its ninth carbon, while Delta 8 is on its eighth carbon. The difference in placement of the double bonds is what’s thought to create the difference in intensity of the two compounds.
Delta 8 is found in both cannabis and hemp plants, though it’s much rarer in the plants than Delta 9. Much like CBD, which has been lauded in recent years for it’s calming effects, without the intensity of psychoactive effects, Delta 8 provides a much milder experience. Though it is derived from CBD, it still has some psychoactive properties. One can imagine Delta 8 as THC Lite. Delta 8 can still potentially provide a lot of the calming, enjoyable, pain-relieving effects of its stronger Delta 9 cousin, but with lower intensity comes lower risk. This can be very beneficial for people who are prone to becoming anxious while consuming THC, and for people who simply want to experience the potential soft euphoria and use Delta 8 for pain, while remaining largely unimpaired. More research needs to be done, but records of user experience have been quite positive. Delta 8 for pain has the potential to be a perfect middle ground between THC and CBD.
Is Delta 8 Legal?
For the most part, yes. However the specifics of it vary from state to state. Since Delta 8 is fairly new in popularity, it currently lies in a bit of a legal gray area.
Thanks to the 2018 farm bill, hemp plants and their products have become federally legal, leading to an explosion in demand for hemp-derived products like CBD and Delta 8. According to the bill, hemp and tetrahydrocannabinols in hemp have been removed from the federal Controlled Substances Act. Legally, hemp plants can contain no more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC. At the moment, Delta 8 has no federal scheduling as a drug, but some states are scrambling to fill the legal loopholes.
States where it has received bans or regulatory restrictions are Washington, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Colorado, Alaska, Arizona, Iowa, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Delaware, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Some states have chosen to lump Delta 8 in with its more psychoactive cousin, Delta 9, and class it as a controlled substance. Other states have created new classes of laws for Delta 8 and allowed for its sale and consumption. For the most part, Delta 8 and it’s benefits have been made available to consumers in a wide variety of forms. Many players in the hemp industry are eagerly awaiting more testing and regulations, which will help ensure that low-quality Delta 8 products are kept out of the market. It’s important to note that, while Delta 8 derived from hemp contains 0.3% or less of Delta 9 THC, it can still make you fail a drug test. Drug tests simply look for metabolites for THC, which includes both Delta 8 and Delta 9.
What are the benefits of Delta 8?
Delta 8 has the potential to give consumers a lot of the same positive benefits of Delta 9 THC, with a much lower risk of feeling the negative side effects possible with Delta 9; paranoia, anxiety, and confusion. Instead, Delta 8 is able to deliver similar benefits of mild euphoria, pain relief, and even anti-anxiety properties. The potentiality to deliver these effects while still allowing you to remain clear-headed and able to focus on the task at hand. However, it is not advised to operate heavy machinery (like a vehicle) while consuming Delta 8 for pain. There are plenty of therapeutic benefits of Delta 8. It can be antiemetic (anti-nausea), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), orexigenic (appetite stimulant), analgesic (anti-pain), and even neuroprotective (protects the brain). Delta 8 can also give consumers a floaty, weightless feeling, engage energy levels and help focus, give a feeling of being mellow and chill, but still clear-headed, and a sense of intense relaxation.
With Delta 8, the fear of losing control while consuming it — which many people have with the Delta 9 compound found in marijuana — is greatly diminished. Many people who consumed Delta 8 through vaping found that it promoted relaxation, without the pull towards laziness. It allowed them to maintain their energy, but didn’t cross over into triggering anxiety or causing their hearts to race. Some research also suggests that Delta 8 could help the body to produce acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for memory, cognition, neuroplasticity, and even arousal.
Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid that is considered a minor cannabinoid. Although it does have mild psychoactive effects compared to Delta 9 THC, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Delta 8 THC won’t stay in your system as long as Delta 9. There is some possibility that when using Delta 8 for pain it can show up on a drug test.
You have to consider the type of test that is being conducted for detection. For blood tests, THC can remain in your blood for up to two days. Saliva tests are very similar and can last up to two days, because of the fact that THC can remain in your saliva until you swallow fully. For urine tests, it's typically 30 days, but it can sometimes stay in your system up to 48 days. The length of time that THC can remain in your system depends on how often you consume it. For example, with a urine test, if you’ve used THC only once, it can last up to eight days, if you've used for four days it can last up to 18 days, and six days of use can last up to 48 days potentially.
Delta 8 and Pain
Like Delta 9, Delta 8 is able to connect to the receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The endocannabinoid system helps regulate functions of the body like chronic pain, inflammation, and sleep. Delta 8 is able to interact with one of the vital ECS receptors, CB1. The CB1 receptor is a part of the central nervous system that regulates pain, among other things. When it binds to the CB1 receptor, Delta 8 is able to alleviate symptoms of chronic pain and inflammation.
In a 1995 Life Sciences study, young cancer patients were given 18 milligrams of Delta 8 oil three times a day for 8 months. All of the children reported a decrease in pain and nausea that they had suffered from as symptoms of cancer.
A 2010 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management study was performed on 177 people with advanced stages of cancer. The patients were given 20 to 60 milligrams of Delta 8 and CBD oils; half were given only the oils, the other half were given the oils and prescribed a small dose of opioids. The study aimed to find out which group would feel more pain relief. After two weeks of daily CBD and Delta 8 for pain doses, both groups experienced the same amount of pain and anxiety relief. Patients taking the opioids also reported less side effects.
A more recent study, performed on mice in 2018, tested the effectiveness of topical Delta 8 for pain application and inflammation. The scientists observed less pain and inflammation in the mice after application, attributing it to the Delta 8.
Delta 8 and Hero Brands
Hero Brands company foundation is built on the ideology of plants over pills; advocating for the use of medicinal herbs over steroids and opiates. Hero Brands high quality health and wellness products are cultivated through sustainable hemp farming and authentic extraction methods, like steam, expression, and vacuum distillation techniques. Our Delta 8 Capsules, and Delta 8 Gummies, are created with your comfort in mind.
Hero Brands recommends you “start low and go slow” when beginning to use our Delta 8 for pain products. Everyone’s body reacts a little differently, so be sure to start with a lower dosage until you find what’s right for you. Hero assures the quality of all of our products with third party lab tests.
The lowest dose of Delta 8 for pain available through Hero is our Delta 8 Capsules. Each bottle contains 30 liquid gel capsules, one capsule is one serving. The Delta 8 Capsules cost $60.00 per bottle. The next dosage is 20mg, and comes in the form of our delicious, grape-flavored Delta 8 Gummies. Hero recommends consumers try a half gummy first, and wait for two to three hours before taking more. Each bottle comes with 30 gummies, and costs $75.00. Hero is not able to ship to some states. All of Hero Brands Delta 8 products will help reduce pain and stress, and help you to participate in your life to the fullest extent. To see our full line of Delta 8 products and CBD products, check out our online store.