How do we compare CBG vs CBD?
As we start to understand the complexities of cannabis, our knowledge of cannabinoids is deepening as well. THC and CBD have been stealing all of the spotlight when it comes to cannabinoids, other lesser-known cannabinoids, such as CBG, are now starting to capture the interest of scientists and consumers.
Researchers have conducted preclinical studies that suggest CBG may share many beneficial characteristics with CBD. They are both non psychoactive cannabinoids and are believed to contain antioxidative, neuroprotective, and analgesic properties. Do you want a superhero combination? Pair CBG vs CBD together. They offer powerful anti-inflammatory benefits to treat neuroinflammation.
What Is CBG?
Typically known as the "mother cannabinoid", CBG is the first phytocannabinoid synthesized in hemp that converts into other plant-based cannabinoids.
2-carboxylic, this is where the compound starts, an acid form called cannabigerol acid (CBGA). As hemp goes through the maturing process, this component begins to convert into three others: tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), and cannabichromenic acid (CBCA).
"After the conversion, there’s only a small amount of CBGA left – less than one percent. And when hemp begins its decarboxylation process, all those compounds drop their carboxyl acid and become the cannabinoids we commonly recognize: THC, CBD, CBC, and CBG." (CBDMD)
Mature hemp plants usually contain low levels of CBG, because the extraction methods are a lot more extensive than that of CBD. Cultivators would either need to harvest hemp before it fully matures, or grow enough hemp plants to yield a significant CBG during the extraction process.
Research is so limited with CBG because of the fact that it is so hard to extract and there isn't an easy access to it. However, similar to CBD, CBG also works by attaching to the receptors that make up the endocannabinoid system. CBG binds to both the CB1 and CB2 receptors rather than just one of the receptors.
CBG is sometimes referred to as the “stem cell” of the cannabis plant, because it’s the first of the cannabinoids to take form before converting into other compounds. CBGA or “cannabigerol acid”, is where it starts out, and as the plant matures it can then convert into either THCA, CBDA or CBCA. The compounds are then exposed to the decarboxylation process, they drop their carboxyl acid and become THC, CBD and CBC.

Just like we have a respiratory system and digestive system, we have the endocannabinoid system, or “ECS”, which is a complex system that sends signals throughout our bodies via receptors. Endocannabinoid Systems affect the other systems in our body. It has an affect on sleep, appetite, memory, mood, reproduction and even fertility. Three major components make the whole of the ECS: endocannabinoids, receptors and enzymes. Naturally, our body creates our own endocannabinoids, which then attach to either our CB1 or CB2 receptors in order to send signals alerting that certain areas within the system need tending to. The Endocannabinoid system is complex, and studies are still being conducted to see how it works and how it can benefit people and strengthen their lives.
CBG molecules bind best to the receptors of the Endocannabinoid System, filling the spaces that would otherwise be occupied by the cannabinoids that our own bodies produce. This is how CBG vs CBD are able to effectively interact with your body.
There is no doubt, after the studies that have been conducted, and the abundance of people having experienced the compound, that CBG can improve your daily wellness. Working in a unique and interesting way to provide your body with its effects, it adds fun and variety to your active lifestyle. CBG is still relatively “new”, and there is still so much more to learn about how it fully interacts with the human body. When combined with CBD, CBG works even better! The addition of CBG in any product helps to create a riveting item that does a little bit of everything.
CBD oil creation begins with the whole hemp plant being processed and crushed down into an oil. CO2 extraction produces the purest oils and is the most environmentally friendly.
So, what makes these two oils so magnificent when combined? Well, when you put CBD oil and CBG oil together, the end product provides unmatched synergy. So, let’s recap and layout the similarities and the differences between CBG vs CBD.
- Both non-psychoactive
- Both come from the cannabis plant
- Both interact with the endocannabinoid system
- Both possess a wide range of layered functional benefits
- CBG is not as abundant in the cannabis plant (only 1% versus CBD’s 20%)
- CBG binds to both the CB1 and CB2 receptors
- CBG is only present very early in the hemp plant’s growth cycle
- CBG converts into other cannabinoids, making it the “mother” of all cannabinoids