CBD Muscle Recovery and Potential Fitness Benefits
Humans have been using cannabis for centuries to help with a variety of medical problems. It is only recently that we are discovering the benefits it has on our bodies and minds. To do this, people may need CBD muscle recovery supplements which helps boost energy levels in athletes while also reducing soreness after workouts or games.
The good news? They work! The mainstream society so far seems very positive about them because they see the many ways these products can benefit their lives. Here are some ways CBD muscle recovery supplements help with working out...
Reducing Pain and Inflammation
The most important thing (according to some) an athlete can do is minimize their inflammation and pain post training or post competition. Anyone who works out and exercises regularly knows that inflammation can result from a hard session. You also know that pain is not unusual after particularly hard exercise.
Lessening your inflammation will most certainly keep your pain levels down, the two go hand in hand, especially after a hard workout or a tough competition when its crucial. Tons of studies and testimonials have been conducted and given supporting CBD muscle recovery as a success. The studies point to action at certain receptors but also a reduction in inflammation as explanations for how it works
Muscle Soreness Recovery
CBD and its power to reduce inflammation is the reason it's a useful and successful recovery supplement. When you workout and train your muscles, what you do is rip and tear your muscle fibers, which can cause inflammation and lactic acid buildup. The body then goes to work repairing the damaged tissue, building it up to be stronger muscle tissue.
This is the same for everyone and completely normal in the path to bettering ones performance. With that being said, you will need to find your threshold because there can be times when you push too hard. Inflammation in the body and the muscles can delay progress and even create further injury. For recovery from difficult workouts, the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oil may be helpful in healing the damage.
CBD For Sleep
A very common trend among adults is poor sleep habits and patterns. When we get quality sleep, we perform better, exercise better, think clearer, etc. So if CBD for sleep is effective, than that means it indirectly improves your athletic performance.
Many researchers have shown studies involving many cannabinoids and sleep found that there is evidence that CBD can directly affect sleep by targeting specific receptors in the brain. More research is needed, but there is definite potential for CBD to help people who struggle with sleep disorders and insomnia get more and better quality sleep.

CBD and Anxiety, CBD and Stress
Having healthy levels of anxiety and stress is important to maintaining high athletic performance. CBD can help you manage your anxiety and stress levels by interacting with receptors in the brain. Any performer knows the consequences of letting stress and anxiety get the best of you during competition or training.
One study found that in people with anxiety disorders, treatment with CBD oil reduced nervousness, discomfort, and anxiety, and improved cognitive function ahead of a performance as compared to people who did not receive CBD oil.
Improving Performance
The power is with the people, and the people say (majority of the time) that CBD helps them with their active lifestyles. Some people believe that CBD gives them cleaner energy and increases their ability to perform at a high level with sports like soccer and martial arts. Research to back this up is pretty limited.
With CBD muscle recovery and reducing pain and inflammation, it leads to a speedier recovery from injuries, fatigue, and workout related muscle damage. The longevity aspect of your fitness routine is greatly improved with CBD.
CBD is Not Pot
One of the main reasons why some people can't grasp the connection between CBD muscle recovery and working out is because of its connection to the cannabis plant. Yes, CBD derives from the cannabis genus of plants.
It is very rare that a CBD product will get you high or provide any of the psychoactive features that THC provides. That’s due to U.S. federal laws regarding hemp, a non-intoxicating strain of cannabis. Under legal definitions, hemp contains high CBD content, but shallow levels of THC – the substance makes marijuana users feel high. That level is 0.3% THC content.
CBD hemp is a federally legal crop in the United States, which is why there are so many CBD muscle recovery supplements for sale across the Internet and in stores. On the other hand, high THC marijuana is still a schedule I drug.
There are many cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, CBD and THC are just two of the many, these substances interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a cell signaling network throughout the body.
At its core, the ECS aids in a variety of functions with the body and brain. The cellular receptors that make up the ECS react to substances called cannabinoids, which synthesize in the body (endocannabinoids), in plants (phytocannabinoids), or a lab (synthetic cannabinoids). Each cannabinoid has a different molecular structure, causing different results when they interact with ECS receptors.
For instance, one cannabinoid may fit well with a receptor and cause a direct effect. Another cannabinoid molecule might not fit (think about trying to fit a square peg into a round hole), but it may effectively block other substances from interacting with the receptor.
Resources: issaonline; cbdmd